A dream I had several times when I was young has stayed with me. I would lay in my bed and I was aware of someone coming up the stairs. I couldn’t move my body though I could my eyes. I would see an Indian Chief (someone akin to sitting bull, definitely a North American plains Indian) slowly float to the end of my bed, or to either side, that usually differed. He would put his arms out over me and I would begin to float up, still unable to move. His details what I can remember of them were that he was pale whit(ish). Every part, including his clothing. Just as if he was doused in milk. Anyways, I would be under his control floating like a wood board. He would lead me beyond my bed and down the hall. Just before the steps I would come to and wake up. I did have pretty bad asthma then, and it would be no surprise if I had difficulty breathing during those dreams. But always always the same one. Strange.

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Nov 2, 2022Liked by Minna

I once woke up in the middle of the night and there was an old bald man in a red farmer's flannel shirt watching me. I wanted to scream when I opened my eyes, but nothing came out of my mouth. I stared at hım in the darkness until he slowly stared to fade away backwards and finally dissappeared. 🤯 True story

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